Monograph:Equation Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. Under Contract with Springer.
Journal articles
Removing incompletive potential with Mandarin -le: Partitivity and referentiality constraint.
Under revision. Yenan Sun, Lawrence Y. L. Cheung & Jackie Yan-Ki Lai. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.
When aspectual forms compete: Mandarin incompleteness revisited.
Major revision. Yenan Sun. Journal of Semantics.
Demonstratives and Mandarin relative types.
Major revision. Yenan Sun & Jackie Yan-Ki Lai. Journal of Linguistics.
The resumptive view of the Cantonese dummy keoi5 revisited.
2024. Jackie Yan-Ki Lai, Lawrence Y. L. Cheung & Yenan Sun. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Online First. DOI:
Integration of contextual-pragmatic and phonetic information in speech perception: An eye-tracking study. [open access]
2019. Eszter Ronai, Yenan Sun, Alan Yu & Ming Xiang. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 10(1): 20, pp. 1–15. DOI:
Only-concord in Vietnamese: Support for a bipartite analysis and Undermerge. [paper]
2020. Yenan Sun. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society.
Same as the parameter of an equation construction. [paper]
2020. Yenan Sun. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 24.
Equating degrees or state-kinds, or both. [paper]
2019. Yenan Sun. Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium.
The morphosyntax of Chinese adjectival reduplication: The role of RED. [paper]
2019. Yenan Sun & Jackie Yan-Ki Lai. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society.
Revisiting the Restrictive/Appositive Distinction in Mandarin Relative Clauses: The Confound of Demonstratives. [paper]
2019. Yenan Sun & Jackie Yan-Ki Lai. Proceedings of the 93th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.
Two strategies of sameness: Chinese tong and xiangtong. [paper]
2018. Yenan Sun. Proceedings of the
20th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar.
On Apparent Parasitic Gaps in Mandarin Chinese. [paper]
2018. Jackie Yan-Ki Lai & Yenan Sun. Proceedings of the
20th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar.
Two Kinds of Quantificational Domains: Mandarin mei with or without dou. [paper]
2018. Yenan Sun. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting
of the Chicago Linguistic Society.
(Selected) Talks and Posters
A pragmatic perspective into Main Clause Phenomena: A case study of Mandarin incompleteness.
Invited talk given at Peking University, Beijing, Dec 15 [zoom].
Revisiting the Typology of Equation Constructions.
Invited talk given at CUHK Linguistics Seminar, Hong Kong, Oct 29.
Main clause phenomena and discourse moves: Mandarin incompleteness.
Poster presented at SuB 29, Noto, Italy, Sep 17-19.
What is Under Discussion: A Pragmatic Perspective on Chinese Incompleteness.
Invited talk given at Seminar on the Study of Chinese Syntax and Semantic Theory [2024年汉语句法语义理论研究学术研讨会], Anhui, Aug 24-25.
Asymmetry between present and non-present tenses: Mandarin le1 and le2 sentences revisited.
Talk given at the 4th Workshop on Sentence-final Particles in Modern Chinese, Guangzhou, March 16-17.
Incompleteness with Mandarin Gradable Adjectives and its Cross-linguistic Parallel.
Talk given at the 10th International Conference on Formal Linguistics (ICFL-10), Beijing, Oct 28-29.
Maintaining Mandarin hen as a weak intensifier.
Talk given at the 2nd International Symposium on Formal Approaches to Meaning in Chinese, Hong Kong, June 20-21.
Main clause phenomena and discourse moves: Mandarin incompleteness.
Talk given at the Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-13), Taiwan [hybrid], May 12-14.
Event Progression Maximizing (PM) -le in Mandarin Chinese (with Lawrence Y. L. Cheung, Jackie Yan-Ki Lai).
Talk given at the Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-13), Taiwan [hybrid], May 12-14.
Main clause phenomena and Mandarin incompleteness.
Talk given at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (ARF 2022), Hong Kong [virtual].
Telicizing with inner aspect le: Partitivity and the definiteness constraint (with Lawrence Y. L. Cheung).
Short talk given at GLOW in Asia XIII, CUHK, Hong Kong [virtual]. [slides]
Mantaining Mandarin hen as a weak intensifier.
Talk given at Theoretical Linguistics at Keio (TaLK 2022), Tokyo. [video]
Poster presented at GLOW 45 (Workshop on Typological generalizations and semantic theory), London [virtual].
(Potentially) incomplete sentences in Chinese are imperfective.
Poster presented at WCCFL 39, Tucson [virtual]. [poster]
Aspectual marking and (not-)at-issue updates in Mandarin Chinese.
Poster presented at LSA 95, San Francisco [virtual].
The interaction of aspect marking and the QUD in Chinese.
Talk given at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (ARF 2020), Hong Kong.
Where does Mandarin zhiyou ‘only’ move? Not to CaiP!
Poster presented at LSA 94, New Orleans, LA.
Equating degrees or state-kinds, or both.
Poster presented at 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium (Workshop on Semantic Universals), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Only-concord in Vietnamese: Support for a bipartite analysis and Undermerge.
Poster presented at NELS 50, Boston, MA.
Where is the parameter in the ‘same’ construction?
Poster presented at SuB 24, Osnabrück, Germany.
Demonstratives and the Restrictive/Appositive Distinction in Mandarin Relative Clauses (with Jackie Yan-Ki Lai).
Talk given at LSA 93, New York, NY.
One and *(the) same (with Peter Alrenga, Daniel Hardt, Line Mikkelsen).
Talk given at CUSP 11, Berkeley, CA. [handout]
Two positions of reduplication morpheme (RED) in Chinese adjectival compounding (with Jackie Yan-Ki Lai).
Poster presented at NELS 49, Ithaca, NY.
Two strategies of samenss: Chinese tong and xiangtong.
Talk given at SICOGG 20, Seoul, Korea. [slides]
On Apparent Parasitic Gaps in Mandarin Chinese (with Jackie Yan-Ki Lai).
Talk given at SICOGG 20, Seoul, Korea.
Numeral yi ‘one’ as domain restrictor in Mandarin Chinese (with Mingya Liu, Anastasia Giannakidou).
Talk given at EACL 10, Milan, Italy.
The role of contextual-pragmatic information in speech perception: an eye-tracking study (with Eszter Ronai, Alan Yu & Ming Xiang).
Poster presented at CUNY 31, Davis, CA. [poster]
The role of contextual-pragmatic information in speech perception: an eye-tracking study (with Laura Stigliano, Eszter Ronai, Amara Sankhagowit, Anisia Popescu, Alan Yu & Ming Xiang).
Poster presented at LSA 92, Salt Lake City. [poster]
Till 2017
Two kinds of quantificational domains: Mandarin mei with or without dou.
Talk given at CLS 53, Chicago, IL. [handout]
Is Chinese mei a quantifier?
Talk given at the 4th Syntax and Semantics in China (SSiC 2015), Xi’an, China.