Instructor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2023-2024
- [CHLL 1110B] Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (中國語言學概論)
- [CHLL 3144] The Study of Chinese Semantics (漢語語義學研究)
- [CHLL 5963] The Study of Semantics and Pragmatics in Chinese (漢語語義與語用研究)
- [CHLL 4001-4002] Independent Research (專題研究)
- 2022-2023
- [CHLL 1110B] Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (中國語言學概論)
- [CHLL 3142] Comparative Grammar in Chinese and English (漢英比較語法)
- [CHLL 5919] Study of Chinese Morphology and Syntax (漢語構詞與句法研究)
- [CHLT 1204AA] Chinese Language Communication and Application I (中國語文傳意與應用(一))
- [CHLT 1205EA] Chinese Language Communication and Application II (中國語文傳意與應用(二))
Instructor at the University of Chicago
- Spring 2021
- [LING 20301] Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics
Teaching Assistant at the University of Chicago
- Winter 2019 - Winter 2020
- [LING 20001] Introduction to Linguistics (Instructor: Patrick Muñoz)
- [PHIL 20100] Elementary Logic (Instructor: Ginger Schultheis)
- [LING 20301] Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (Instructor: Julian Grove)