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✉ yenansun@cuhk.edu.hk
🏢 Fung King Hey Building
☏ (852) 3943 7079
- About
I'm an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I received my PhD in Linguistics
from the University of Chicago and had a BA in Chinese Language and Literature
from Nanjing University.
- Research interests
Semantics, Pragmatics, Syntax-Semantics interface, Chinese Linguistics
- tense, aspect, event structure
- adjectives, degree semantics
- quantification, referentiality
- discourse, focus particles, at-issueness, projectivity
- Ongoing projects
- Incompleteness, aspect, telicity
- Adjectives, degrees, equation constructions
- Focus-sensitive particles in Asian languages
- Discourse-related